The Real Brontoburger


The Brontosaurus is part of Fred's daily job

Brontosaurus – a popular dinosaur used in the Flinstones

The Bronto burger is one of the main foods in the Flintstones cartoon. The Brontosaurus itself is also used for cranes, bridges and also as buses and firetrucks.  If the cartoon had been made later, it actually would have been an Apatosaurus lifting rocks in the quarry. This is because the famous Brontosaurus NEVER  existed.  In fact, the brontosaurus fossil was actually an apatosaurus body with the head of another sauropod dinosaur. Sauropods are those long necked dinosaurs ie the Braciosaurus.

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About callumeatstoronto

Hello, my name is Callum. I was born in 1999 and have been working on this food blog for years. Through it, I’ve worked in expanding my palette and trying as many different types of foods and cuisines as possible. I’m casually interested I different scientific topics - like astrophysics and palaeontology - and I’m also something of a pop culture nerd as well. As covered in my other blog, I am involved in a variety of sports in Special Olympics, and I also do Tae Kwon Do outside of the SO. Toronto’s food scene is well known for being multi-layered and quite diverse. It is also restlessly changing. While many of the restaurants reviewed in my blog have since closed, just as many more have opened up. It has made for an interesting journey over the years, one I wish to continue through this blog. I hope you enjoy it!

4 responses »

  1. aaaahh…for yeas i haved watched the FLINTSTONES, and secretly wished that i could join fred in enjoying a burger made of BRONTOSAURUS meat…now you say that it neva existed ?…talk about shattered dream…i guess, now you will tell me that PLUTO is not a planet…justa a DISNEY dog ?…
    u doing a great job callum….keep up the good reviews…

  2. Pingback: Brontosaurus was a Real Dinosaur | callumeatstoronto

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